About the Company

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Aims and Purpose

It is the Company’s aim to sustain and enhance the standing of those employed in the "Arts Professions" by recognising achievement and by fostering opportunity in the sector. In particular, the Company aims to:
support growth and diversity in the Arts Professions through education, opportunity and career development
promote honourable practice and professional and social exchange between members within the Arts Professions
raise charitable funds to encourage and aid historical projects within the City of London and elsewhere, and to support museums and other similar organisations
provide for needy members of the Company and their immediate families
help preserve our heritage for future generations
support the Lord Mayor, Shrievalty and Aldermen of the City of London Corporation
These ends are furthered by the Company’s Charitable Trust, which provides a number of educational awards as well as supporting publications, exhibitions and other educational and career orientated projects in the historic and decorative arts.